- 兩年西雅圖學院+兩年四年制大學=四年制大學學位
- 校園有轉學輔導,及服務國際學生
- 小班教學課程多樣化並提供獎學金

Seattle Colleges 西雅圖學院附屬語言課程

學校網頁: https://intl.seattlecolleges.edu/

西雅圖學院是兩年制的公立學院,成立於1967年,是由高等教育認證委員會和美國教育部認可的機構。不管是西雅圖中央學院、南西雅圖學院、或北西雅圖學院,每個學院都是單獨獲得認證的。每年有近50,000名國際學生就讀這三所西雅圖學院。本校促進教育發展的傑出表現深獲好評,於2001年被<時代雜誌>選為''年度的最佳學院College of the year''。2007年更被<紐約時報New York Times>評為"畢業生成功轉校學的最佳學院之一 (one of the best places for transfer student attended)"
社區大學的體制相較於其它四年制大學,不僅學費低廉、師生比低,也提供多元豐富的課程,所修的學分更可被全美3000多所大學承認,提供多元課程,例如大學轉學課程、超過30種的職業訓練課程、證照課程。也是華盛頓州內前五名社區大學, 在使學生轉入華盛頓大學和其它四年制大學方面頗有口碑,例如:University of Washington (西雅圖華盛頓大學)、Boston University(波士頓大學)、 UCLA(加州大學洛杉磯分校)、UC Berkeley、University of Arizona(亞歷桑納大學)、Michigan State University(密西根州立大學)、University of Oregon(奧勒岡大學)等知名學校。
- 大學轉學課程(2+2課程):在西雅圖社區學院修完90學分以上,完成副學士學位(大一大二,再轉入4年制大學,完成後兩年的課程(大三大四)並取得大學學位。第一年主要修通識課程,而第二年修基礎專業課程。
- 高中文憑課程:讀完高一上學期滿十六歲,能同時取得華盛頓州高中文憑及副學士學位。
- 專業證書/職訓課程:與美國學生一同上課,1~2年的證書課程或2年的應用副學士學位(AAS-T),結業後可申請在美國當地工作。實用課程包含:平面設計、服裝設計、商業資訊科技、程式設計、網頁設計、餐飲..等。
- 學校也有附屬的語言中心,完成大學銜接課程,不須托福成績就可直接進入大學部。
- 國際社會商務
- 計算機科學與技術
- 文化與交流
- 通識研究
- MBA預備課程
Seattle Colleges Institute of English (SCIE)為希望提高英語語言能力的國際學生提供以結果為導向的優質課程,以便其為學習Seattle Colleges的證書或學位課程做好準備。SCIE設於Seattle Central校區,為三個校區(North、Central和South校區)的學生提供服務。
- 經驗豐富、擁有英語碩士學位或以英語作為第二語言教學(TESOL)的教師
- Seattle Central校區向學生完全開放的設施、活動及服務,包括免費輔導和專門的國際學生諮詢
- 學生在學習英語的同時可以獲得可轉移的大學學分
- 在完成College Bridge課程後,學生無需進行額外的英語測試,即可獲得Seattle Colleges三個校區中的任何一個校區的全日制大學入學資格
- 圓滿完成SCIE的課程後即可獲得證書
一般來說,SCIE水平課程需要一個季度才能完成。完成College Bridge水平5課程的學生可以報名參加我們三個校區中的任何一個校區的全日制大學水平課程。
“英語強化”課程是為具有基本(入門級或高入門級)英語語言能力的國際學生設計的。完成英語強化課程的學生可以繼續參加SCIE的College Bridge課程。
College Bridge課程是為計劃參加全日制大學課程,但仍有待提高英語水平的國際學生設計的。通過參加College Bridge課程,具有中級和中高級英語語言能力的學生能夠繼續培養自身的語言運用能力,同時可獲得至多16個大學學分,這相當於通過一個季度的全日制學習所得的學分。
完成College Bridge最高水平課程的學生可以報名參加Seattle Colleges三個校區中的任何一個校區的全日制大學水平課程。
下圖介紹了SCIE提供的兩門課程,以及學生通過College Bridge課程能夠獲得的大學學分。
Seattle Colleges為國際學生提供100多門職業課程,以便其獲得高需求職業領域的實用技能。根據其選擇的課程,學生可以獲得文憑(1-2年)、應用科學副學士學位(2年)或應用科學學士學位(4年)。職業訓練課程不適用於升學。它們為學生提供進入勞動力市場所需的實踐經驗和知識。
Seattle Colleges是一所高等教育機構,而非高中。但是,我們為尚未完成高中教育的學生提供一些很棒的機會。通過我們的“高中和副學士學位雙文憑”課程,你可以跳過一或兩年的高中課程,立即開始你的大學學習。在Seattle Colleges,通過學習全日制雙學分課程,你可以在獲得大學學分的同時,滿足華盛頓州高中畢業文憑的要求。這樣,你將在兩年內獲得高中畢業文憑和副學士升學學位。
在滿足副學士升學學位的要求後,Seattle Colleges將授予你華盛頓州正式高中畢業文憑和副學士學位。你的學生成績單上將註明高中和大學畢業情況,且畢業文憑可在美國任何地方用作高中畢業證明。
通過在Seattle Colleges學習兩年,然後在四年制院校學習兩年,可獲得傳統學士學位。這樣做,你可以節省數万美元的花費,在小班教學中獲得導師的格外關照,並享受就讀社區大學的其他好處。Seattle Colleges開設的課程幾乎覆蓋所有主修科目,幫助你為取得學位做好準備。
Seattle Colleges提供各種資源幫助你準備升學,如季度升學展會。你還可以通過升學研討會和個人諮詢會獲得個性化的指導。

(all tuition & fees are subject to change)
Name: Iris Wu
Home Country: Taiwan (R.O.C)
Major: International Relations
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I have always been interested in international affairs. It is the one subject I have invested almost all of my time in and I am completely devoted to becoming a diplomat. I wanted to come to study in the USA ever since I had my exchange experiences in Hawaii and Ohio. I enjoy studying foreign languages and exchanging ideas with people from all walks of life. I also love musicals, operas and ballet, and I love to taste different foods from all over the world.
2. Why did you decide to attend Seattle Central?
I chose Seattle Central mainly because of its location. As an international relations major, it is important for me to have a diverse surrounding, which offers me a unique experience in terms of interacting with people from different backgrounds and with different mentalities from all parts of the world. Seattle also has a lot of cultural events to offer and I enjoy the artistic vibe of the city.
3. What has been your experience in being a part of Seattle Central or being involved in the community?
Being in such a diverse environment in a community college setting, I have been able to meet a lot of non-traditional students which has definitely helped shape my views. I learned a lot from their unique experiences being a mom, a professional or both! Also, in my work at the International Student Center, I got to meet many fellow international students from all corners of the world and had a great time talking to them and getting to know their cultures.
4. What are the biggest differences between the culture in your country compared to life in Seattle? How did you adjust?
In America, the society values individualism, whereas in the Chinese/Taiwanese culture I grew up in, we emphasize more on the sense of community and teamwork. It was an obvious problem when it comes to group projects. Fortunately, we were always able to come to a common ground and understand each other at the end, and delivered good work.
5. What are your future plans after Seattle Central?
I am going home for a while before I come back to the States to continue on to a four-year university. I haven’t been back home for one year and a half now. I am also thinking of taking a gap year to do an internship or international volunteering, from which I can improve my French and also expand my world vision.
6. What things have you done to reach your personal and academic goals?
To prepare myself to be a qualified diplomat, I always try to stay open-minded and respect everyone’s background and ideas. I gained invaluable experience in multicultural communication from my work at the International Student Center and also acquired many people skills through my volunteer work for Operation Nightwatch, a dispatch center for homeless. And of course I seize every opportunity I have to observe and talk to people.
7. How has studying abroad changed you?
It definitely has given me more opportunities to meet people from very diverse backgrounds, and have different experience interacting with them. Also the education system here also allows me to explore the fields I am interested in, instead of cramming in the work that is of no importance to my career like it is in other countries. I always enjoy exploring different fields of knowledge and studying abroad has provided plenty of opportunity to do so.
8. What are your favorite things to do in Seattle?
I honestly haven’t had much free time during my studies in Seattle, so I still feel like I haven’t experienced the city completely. But I definitely think Seattle is a free-spirited city with a lot of offer. I especially enjoy my time strolling around the amazing markets the city is known for, whether it is one of the many great farmers markets, the grand old (but a little too touristy) Pike Place Market, or the fun “Fremont Market”.
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