Pathway入學Centennial College 加拿大多倫多百年理工學院
學校地址: Box 631 Station A, Toronto, ON, M1K 5E9
學校網址: http://www.centennialcollege.ca/
百年理工學院(Centennial College)位於國際化大都市多倫多,建校已有34年历史,安大略省的第一所社區大學被公認為是加拿大最多元化的文化中學後教育機構之一。是多倫多四所公立高等職業培育機構之一,每年可為約四至五萬的學生提供不同學制,約一百於種不同專業的培訓,課程涵盖了從商業金融、酒店旅游管理到交通運輸等各个方面。同時為了全面提高學生的綜合素質,該校與許多世界級的大公司結成戰略夥伴關係,如加拿大貝爾公司、AT&T公司、福特汽車公司等。
Centennial College目前在多倫多有四個校區:
- 進步路校區(Progress Campus)位於士嘉堡401號公路夾萬錦路一帶,為該校規模最大的校園,提供的課程包括電腦科學、商科、和旅遊服務等。
- 阿殊頓比校園區(Ashtonbee Campus)位於士嘉堡窩頓大道夾艾靈頓大道一帶,為加拿大規模最大的運輸技術訓練學院。
- 創意傳訊中心(Centre for Creative Communications)位於東約克單福大道夾卡羅大道一帶,於1994年開幕,為該校的傳訊、媒體及設計學院所在。
- 百年科學及科技中心(Centennial Science and Technology Centre)位於士嘉堡艾斯美道夾晨邊大道一帶,又稱晨邊校區(Morningside Campus),於2004年開幕,為該校最新的校園,現時為該校的醫療和環境科學課程所在。
創造多媒體中心 The Center for Creative Communication,在CCC校區該中心用互動式演講、寫作、製作和視覺性溝通方式來教育和培訓未來的資訊溝通專家。提供美術和設計、廣告和公共關係、新聞和出版、及綜合媒體四個獲獎的專業。建在一座具有104,000平方尺的精緻的現代化建築裏,整個中心好似一個豐富多彩的螢幕呈現300座多媒體工作臺和一座完整的數碼影像傳播和編輯設備。
交通院校 School of Transportation,在Ashtonbee校區,是加拿大最大的交通培訓學校,具有價值三千萬加幣以上的飛機、車輛及各種設備。合作夥伴是包括福特汽車公司、通用汽車公司、本田技研工業有限公司、豐田汽車公司、加拿大輪胎公司、Freightliner和Mack-沃爾沃加拿大卡車公司。交通學校的航空培訓和教育中心在2000年得到二百五十萬戰略技能投資費,用於擴大設備和專業專案,受到了加拿大交通巨頭如加拿大航空公司和龐巴迪爾公司的支援,在北美地區極富盛名。
商業院校 School of Business,在CCC Progress校區,提供廣泛的專業項目如:會計、人力資源、商業運作、辦公行政管理、法律助理、金融服務、國際商務、市場行銷、通訊中心、電子商務及酒店管理(包含酒店和旅遊管理、酒店管理服務及旅遊)。分院特點包括:
工程技術和應用科學分院(School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science),設立在HP校區。提供一年、兩年和三年長度的工程技術和應用科學專業的證書和文憑項目。該分校還提供一個全新和獨特的電腦通訊網絡大學本科專案。分校特點包括:
●自動化和機器人學專案是加拿大第一個得到美國流體力學教育基金會定為“Key School Status”的專案。
社區和健康學分院(School of Community and Health Studies),設立在HP校區,提供範圍從兒童教育、社區服務、護理和社區健康到健康研究領域的成人教育專案。通過證書、大專文憑、及聯合授權的大學本科學位專案的學習,學習者將提高和更新已有的專業水準,或完成從原有技能向加拿大專業技能要求的過渡。
- 高中畢業
- 某些特殊專業需符合各院校要求
- 文憑專業: 托福 550/213以上 ; IELTS 6.0 以上
- 大學學位專業:托福 580/237,雅思6.5
- 研究生證書: 托福 580/237,雅思6.5
- 學分轉換課程:託福550/213,雅思6.0
- 一年三個學期。秋季(9月),夏季(5月)和冬季(1月)
Program Name | School | Credential Awarded |
Program Load |
Campus |
(Automotive) Motive Power Technician – Administration | School of Transportation | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Ashtonbee Campus |
(Automotive) Motive Power Technician – Technical | School of Transportation | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Ashtonbee Campus |
Accounting Clerk - Microcomputer | School of Business | Certificate | 1 year/ 2 semesters | Progress Campus |
ACE (Academic & Career Entrance) - Certificate | School of Advancement | Certificate | 1 semester | Ashtonbee Campus |
Advanced Television and Film - Script to Screen | School of Communication, Media and Design | Graduate Certificate | 1 year/ 2 semesters | Story Arts Centre |
Advertising - Account Management | School of Communication, Media and Design | Graduate Certificate | 3 semesters | Story Arts Centre |
Advertising and Marketing Communications Management | School of Communication, Media and Design | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Story Arts Centre |
Advertising – Media Management | School of Communication, Media and Design | Graduate Certificate | 3 semesters | Story Arts Centre |
Architectural Technician | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Morningside Campus |
Architectural Technology | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Morningside Campus |
Architectural Technology (Co-op) | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 9 semesters | Morningside Campus |
Architectural Technology (Fast Track) | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Advanced Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Morningside Campus |
Architectural Technology (Fast Track/Co-op) | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Advanced Diploma | 2 years/ 6 semesters | Morningside Campus |
Art and Design Foundation Studies | School of Communication, Media and Design | Certificate | 1 year/ 2 semesters | Story Arts Centre |
Auto Body Repair Techniques | School of Transportation | Certificate | 36 weeks/ 3 semesters | Ashtonbee Campus |
Auto Body Repairer | School of Transportation | Certificate | In-school session of 8 weeks | Ashtonbee Campus |
Automotive Painter | School of Transportation | Certificate | 1 semester | Ashtonbee Campus |
Automotive Service Technician | School of Transportation | Certificate | In-school session options include 8 week block, 1 day per week for 36 weeks, or 2 nights a week for 40 weeks | Ashtonbee Campus |
Automotive Service Technician Canadian Tire (MAP 32) | School of Transportation | Certificate | 32 week in-class | Ashtonbee Campus |
Automotive Service Technician Co-op Apprenticeship (Partnered with Chrysler Canada Inc.) | School of Transportation | Diploma | 2 years/ 6 semesters | Ashtonbee Campus |
Automotive Service Technician Co-op Diploma Apprenticeship (Partnered with TADA) | School of Transportation | Diploma | 2 years/ 6 semesters | Ashtonbee Campus |
Automotive Service Technician Ford Asset (MAP 32) | School of Transportation | Certificate | 32 week in-class | Ashtonbee Campus |
Automotive Service Technician General Motors of Canada ASEP (MAP 32) | School of Transportation | Certificate | 32 week in-class | Ashtonbee Campus |
Automotive Service Technician Honda AHAP (MAP 32) | School of Transportation | Certificate | 32 week in-class | Ashtonbee Campus |
Automotive Service Technician Pre-Apprenticeship | School of Transportation | Certificate | 37 Weeks | Ashtonbee Campus |
Automotive Service Technician Toyota (MAP 32) | School of Transportation | Certificate | In-school sessions consist of 4 eight week blocks, alternating with apprenticeship work terms | Ashtonbee Campus |
Aviation Technician – Aircraft Maintenance | School of Transportation | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Ashtonbee Campus |
Aviation Technician – Avionics Maintenance | School of Transportation | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Ashtonbee Campus |
Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences - Bridging to Software Systems Design | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Progress Campus | |
Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences - Computer and Communication Networks | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | 4 years/ 9 semesters | Progress Campus | |
Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences - Software Systems Design | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | 4 years/ 9 semesters | Progress Campus | |
Bachelor of Public Relations Management | School of Communication, Media and Design | 4 years/ 9 semesters | Progress - Centre for Creative Communications | |
Baking - Commercial Bakeries | School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culture | Certificate | 1 year/ 2 semesters | Progress Campus |
Baking - Pastry Arts Management | School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culture | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Progress Campus |
Biomedical Engineering Technology | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Progress Campus |
Biomedical Engineering Technology (Co-op Fast Track) | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Advanced Diploma | 2 years/ 6 semesters | Progress Campus |
Biomedical Engineering Technology (Co-op) | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 9 semesters | Progress Campus |
Biomedical Engineering Technology (Fast Track) | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Advanced Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Progress Campus |
Biotechnology | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Morningside Campus |
Biotechnology - Advanced | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Morningside Campus |
Biotechnology - Advanced (Co-op) | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 9 semesters | Morningside Campus |
Biotechnology - Advanced (Fast Track) | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Advanced Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Morningside Campus |
Biotechnology - Advanced (Fast Track/Co-op) | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Advanced Diploma | 2 years/ 6 semesters | Morningside Campus |
Biotechnology (Fast Track) | School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science | Diploma | 1 year/ 2 semesters | Morningside Campus |
Bridging to University Nursing - IEN | School of Community and Health Studies | Graduate Certificate | 1 year/ 2 semesters | Morningside Campus |
Broadcasting and Film | School of Communication, Media and Design | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Story Arts Centre |
Business | School of Business | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business - Accounting | School of Business | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business - Finance | School of Business | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business - International Business | School of Business | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business – Marketing | School of Business | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business – Operations | School of Business | Diploma | 2 years/ 4 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration – Accounting | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration – Accounting (3 Semesters) | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration – Accounting (Co-op) | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 9 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration – Business Operations Management | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration – Business Operations Management (Co-op) | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 9 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration – Entrepreneurship | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration - Entrepreneurship (Co-op) | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 9 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration – Human Resources | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration – Human Resources (Co-op) | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 9 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration – International Business | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration – International Business (Co-op) | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 9 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration – Marketing | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration – Marketing (Co-op) | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 9 semesters | Progress Campus |
Business Administration (Co-op) | School of Business | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 9 semesters | Progress Campus |
Child and Youth Worker | School of Community and Health Studies | Advanced Diploma | 3 years/ 6 semesters | Progress Campus |
Children’s Media | School of Communication, Media and Design | Graduate Certificate | 3 semesters | Story Arts Centre |
Communications and Media Foundations | School of Communication, Media and Design | Certificate | 1 year/ 2 semesters | Story Arts Centre |
Community and Child Studies Foundations | School of Community and Health Studies | Certificate | 1 year/ 2 semesters | Progress Campus |
Community and Justice Services | School of Community and Health Studies |
加拿大遊學為何選擇 SEC?
1) 顧問皆為10年以上服務年資,不須擔心中間顧問離職,全公司顧問皆可為您服務。
2) 專業簽證辦理,您不在需要上網找資料,接收錯誤訊息,SEC 將給您最新最準確資訊。
3) 當地手機電話,在台辦理並且開通,到當地不須再去辦理通訊,出發前就知道當地號碼。
4) 免費當地單趟接機(溫哥華/多倫多/維多利亞/卡加利/蒙特婁/愛德華王子島)
5) 免費國際學生證 ISIC,新北市開卡中心。
6) 第一手資訊 FB 專屬社團,提供就業機會、生活資訊、優惠車票和退稅辦理等活動訊息。
7) 加拿大當地保險,在台辦理,出發前拿到保險卡,當地就醫有保障 <guardme 保險介紹>
8) 溫哥華/多倫多/卡加利駐點開戶顧問,當地銀行中文開戶預約服務(須符合身份)。
9) 最優惠的學校價格!
10) 簽證文件只需要提供電子檔
11) 最優惠的 homestay 住宿安排(溫哥華/多倫多/維多利亞/卡加利)
12) 詳細行前說明會手冊
13) 出發前超詳細1.5小時行前說明會
14) 後續服務最得學生肯定
15) 新莊總公司/台北/台中/ 高雄/加拿大駐點辦公室
16) 中天綜合台 獨家專訪 <出國隱形小幫手>▼
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