- 當地專業文憑課程!修讀6個月以上課程,就學時可合法打工20hr/週
- 85%高就業率!具有豐富的職業培訓課程,可選擇帶薪或無薪實習,課程彈性且多元
- 小班教學,設施先進,所有教室皆為多媒體配備
- 校內中文顧問親切和善,身兼生活與課業指導

加拿大溫哥華 Brighton College 布萊頓專業職業培訓 學校介紹
Brighton College 布萊頓專業職業培訓
布萊頓學院是 PTIB(私立培訓機構分會)認可的機構,擁有 BC EQA(不列顛哥倫比亞省教育品質保證)稱號,確保我們所有的課程和教學符合品質標準。是一所老牌職業學院,在伯納比校區提供 30 多個課程。布萊頓學院為學生提供發展工作場所認可和所需的專業技能的機會。學生來自不同的背景,帶來了多元化和多元文化的經驗。
布萊頓學院成立於 2000 年,現已發展到提供 30 多個課程,從建築和工程技術到資訊技術,以及全方位的商業相關課程,包括辦公室助理、國際貿易、會計和商業管理。我們的許多計劃都是透過行業認可的認證的認可和合作夥伴關係開發的。
Transfer Pathways
學校提供全日制和非全日制課程以滿足學生的日程安排,課程每 2-4 週開始一次。
Metropointe Campus
#101-4603 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4M4Crystal Mall Campus
#305-4538 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4T9Brighton College 為BC省注冊的專上職業培訓學院,也是高等教育廳(EQA)認證學院、移民局留學生畢業工作簽證試點學院。目前有9大類35項課程,學生除可選擇帶薪/無薪實習以外,也可依照學習意願選擇課程長度。此外,學生修讀本校正式課程6個月以上,可合法工作20小時/週。
該校現有的9大類課程分別是:建築設計、醫療護理、會計與辦公自動化、辦公助理、商業、工程與建築、電腦輔助設計、資訊技術與網際市場、國際貿易。此外,Brighton College的製圖與建築相關課程,為溫哥華當地除 BCIT 以外少數開課的學校。課程並通過ASTTBC以及CCTT認證。國際貿易類別,則有多元課程可供選擇,且皆通過 FITT 與 CIFFA 認可,教學品質獲得高度認可!
- International English Language Testing (IELTS) with a minimum overall band test score of 6.0. Duolingo English Test with a minimum score of 95.
- Proof of a diploma or degree from a post-secondary institution where English is the language of instruction.
- An equivalent English course taken at another institution shown in the BCCAT transfer guide.
- Completion of the required ESL Level at a qualified pathway program institution.
- Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), IBT only, with a minimum score of 71 overall (17 in reading and writing, and 16 in listening and speaking).
課程名稱 | 類型 | 課程週數 | 是否有實習(小時) | 開放狀態 |
Architectural Design and Building Technician with Practicum Diploma 建築設計與技術 | Diploma文憑課程 | 35 | 150 (practicum) | Active |
Architectural Design and Building Technician Diploma 建築設計與技術 | Diploma文憑課程 | 31 | 無 | Active |
AutoCAD Drafting and Design Technology with Practicum Diploma AutoCAD 繪圖與設計技術 | Diploma文憑課程 | 35 | 150 (practicum) | Active |
AutoCAD Drafting and Design Technology Diploma AutoCAD 繪圖與設計技術 | Diploma文憑課程 | 31 | 無 | Active |
Construction & Drafting Technician with Practicum Diploma 建築和繪圖技術員 | Diploma文憑課程 | 35 | 150 (practicum) | Active |
Construction & Drafting Technician Diploma 建築和繪圖技術員 | Diploma文憑課程 | 31 | 無 | Active |
Civil Infrastructure Design Technology with Practicum Diploma 土木基礎設施設計技術 | Diploma文憑課程 | 35 | 150 (practicum) | Active |
Civil and Structural Design Technology Diploma 土木基礎設施設計技術 | Diploma文憑課程 | 31 | 無 | Active |
Structural and Building Technology with Practicum Diploma 結構與建築技術 | Diploma文憑課程 | 35 | 150 (practicum) | Active |
Structural and Building Technology Diploma 結構與建築技術 | Diploma文憑課程 | 31 | 無 | Active |
Construction Project Management with Practicum Diploma 建築專案管理 | Diploma文憑課程 | 35 | 150 (practicum) | Active |
Construction Project Management Diploma 建築專案管理 | Diploma文憑課程 | 31 | 無 | Active |
Construction Operations and Supervision with Practicum Diploma 建築運營和監督 | Diploma文憑課程 | 35 | 150 (practicum) | Active |
Construction Operations and Supervision Diploma 建築運營和監督 | Diploma文憑課程 | 31 | M/A | Active |
Green Building and Sustainable Design with Practicum Diploma 綠建築與永續設計 | Diploma文憑課程 | 35 | 150 (practicum) | Active |
Green Building and Sustainable Design Diploma 綠建築與永續設計 | Diploma文憑課程 | 31 | 無 | Active |
Construction Operations Technician Certificate 施工操作技術員 | Certificate證書課程 | 18 | 無 | Active |
CAD Drafting for Civil Infrastructure Certificate 民用基礎設施CAD製圖 | Certificate證書課程 | 16 | 無 | Active |
CAD Drafting for Building Certificate 民用基礎設施CAD製圖 | Certificate證書課程 | 16 | 無 | Active |
課程名稱 | 類型 | 課程週數 | 是否有實習(小時) | 開放狀態 |
Business Management Diploma 商業管理 | Diploma文憑課程 | 49 | 480 (co-op) | Active |
Business Administration Diploma 工商管理 | Diploma文憑課程 | 25 | 無 | Active |
Office Assistant Certificate 辦公室助理 | Certificate證書課程 | 12 | 無 | Active |
Accounting 會計類別
課程名稱 | 類型 | 課程週數 | 是否有實習(小時) | 開放狀態 |
Computerized Accounting and Office Diploma 電算化會計和辦公室文憑 | Diploma文憑課程 | 34 | 150 (practicum) | Active |
Accounting and Payroll Administrator Certificate 會計和薪資管理員 | Certificate證書課程 | 17 | 無 | Active |
Hospitality 餐旅類別
課程名稱 | 類型 | 課程週數 | 是否有實習(小時) | 開放狀態 |
Hospitality Management with Co-op Diploma 飯店管理 | Diploma文憑課程 | 72 | 800 (co-op) | Active |
Hospitality Management Diploma 飯店管理 | Diploma文憑課程 | 48 | 480 (co-op) | Active |
Hospitality Operations Certificate 飯店業務 | Certificate證書課程 | 25 | 100 (practicum) | Active |
International Trade 國貿類別
課程名稱 | 類型 | 課程週數 | 是否有實習(小時) | 開放狀態 |
International Trade and Freight Forwarding Diploma 國際貿易及貨運代理 | Diploma文憑課程 | 40 | 150 (practicum) | Active |
International Trade and Freight Forwarding with Practicum Certificate 國際貿易及貨運代理 | Certificate證書課程 | 26 | 100 (practicum) | Active |
International Trade Certificate 國際貿易 | Certificate證書課程 | 16 | 無 | Active |
課程名稱 | 週數 | 實習(小時) Practicum 或Co-op |
申請費 | 學費 | 書籍費 | Supplies | S.R.A. | 考試費用 | 總學費 |
Architectural Design and Building Technician with Practicum Diploma | 35 | 150 (practicum) | $ 250.00 | $21,775.00 | $1,100.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 23,435.00 |
Architectural Design and Building Technician Diploma | 31 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $21,125.00 | $1,100.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 22,785.00 |
AutoCAD Drafting and Design Technology with Practicum Diploma | 35 | 150 (practicum) | $ 250.00 | $21,775.00 | $1,350.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 23,685.00 |
AutoCAD Drafting and Design Technology Diploma | 31 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $21,125.00 | $1,350.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 23,035.00 |
Construction & Drafting Technician with Practicum Diploma | 35 | 150 (practicum) | $ 250.00 | $21,775.00 | $1,400.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 23,735.00 |
Construction & Drafting Technician Diploma | 31 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $21,125.00 | $1,400.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 23,085.00 |
Civil Infrastructure Design Technology with Practicum Diploma | 35 | 150 (practicum) | $ 250.00 | $21,775.00 | $1,300.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 23,635.00 |
Civil and Structural Design Technology Diploma | 31 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $21,125.00 | $1,300.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 22,985.00 |
Structural and Building Technology with Practicum Diploma | 35 | 150 (practicum) | $ 250.00 | $21,775.00 | $1,350.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 23,685.00 |
Structural and Building Technology Diploma | 31 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $21,125.00 | $1,350.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 23,035.00 |
Construction Project Management with Practicum Diploma | 35 | 150 (practicum) | $ 250.00 | $21,775.00 | $2,650.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 24,985.00 |
Construction Project Management Diploma | 31 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $21,125.00 | $2,650.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 24,335.00 |
Construction Operations and Supervision with Practicum Diploma | 35 | 150 (practicum) | $ 250.00 | $21,775.00 | $2,750.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 25,085.00 |
Construction Operations and Supervision Diploma | 31 | M/A | $ 250.00 | $21,125.00 | $2,750.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 24,435.00 |
Green Building and Sustainable Design with Practicum Diploma | 35 | 150 (practicum) | $ 250.00 | $21,775.00 | $750.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 23,085.00 |
Green Building and Sustainable Design Diploma | 31 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $21,125.00 | $750.00 | $300.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 22,435.00 |
Construction Operations Technician Certificate | 18 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $12,870.00 | $750.00 | $150.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 14,030.00 |
CAD Drafting for Civil Infrastructure Certificate | 16 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $11,440.00 | $700.00 | $150.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 12,550.00 |
CAD Drafting for Building Certificate | 16 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $11,440.00 | $700.00 | $150.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 12,550.00 |
Business Management Diploma | 49 | 480 (co-op) | $ 250.00 | $18,304.00 | $1,700.00 | $250.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 20,514.00 |
Business Administration Diploma | 25 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $11,375.00 | $1,200.00 | $150.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 12,985.00 |
Office Assistant Certificate | 12 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $5,772.00 | $450.00 | $100.00 | $10.00 | - | $ 6,582.00 |
Computerized Accounting and Office Diploma | 34 | 150 (practicum) | $ 250.00 | $14,300.00 | $1,500.00 | $150.00 | $10.00 | $2,100.00 | $ 18,310.00 |
Accounting and Payroll Administrator Certificate | 17 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $8,177.00 | $750.00 | $100.00 | $10.00 | $2,100.00 | $ 11,387.00 |
Hospitality Management with Co-op Diploma | 72 | 800 (co-op) | $ 250.00 | $19,890.00 | $1,600.00 | $250.00 | $10.00 | $600.00 | $ 22,600.00 |
Hospitality Management Diploma | 48 | 480 (co-op) | $ 250.00 | $15,990.00 | $1,400.00 | $250.00 | $10.00 | $600.00 | $ 18,500.00 |
Hospitality Operations Certificate | 25 | 100 (practicum) | $ 250.00 | $10,205.00 | $800.00 | $150.00 | $10.00 | $350.00 | $ 11,765.00 |
International Trade and Freight Forwarding Diploma | 40 | 150 (practicum) | $ 250.00 | $17,030.00 | $800.00 | $250.00 | $10.00 | $2,330.00 | $ 20,670.00 |
International Trade and Freight Forwarding with Practicum Certificate | 26 | 100 (practicum) | $ 250.00 | $12,090.00 | - | $150.00 | $10.00 | $2,330.00 | $ 14,830.00 |
International Trade Certificate | 16 | 無 | $ 250.00 | $8,320.00 | - | $150.00 | $10.00 | $1,280.00 | $ 10,010.00 |
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